If you use Public Wi-Fi Stop now, Because you are Hacked😈

Adarsh Mourya
3 min readJul 21, 2023


Beware of Rogue Access Points: The Invisible Threat on Public Wi-Fi

A person in Coffee shop using public Wi-Fi for work

Imagine you’re sitting at your favorite coffee shop, sipping on a latte, and connecting to the free Wi-Fi. It’s convenient and saves your mobile data, but did you know that this seemingly harmless act could put your sensitive data at risk? In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the dangers of connecting to public Wi-Fi and the invisible threat known as “Rogue Access Points.”
Don’t worry; I’ll explain everything in simple language with relatable examples so that even if you’re not tech-savvy, you can stay safe online.

The Temptation of Public Wi-Fi:

We all love free Wi-Fi, don’t we? It is available at coffee shops, airports, hotels, and even public parks. However, hackers know this too, and they take advantage of this temptation by setting up fake Wi-Fi networks that look like the real deal.

Imagine you’re at an airport waiting for your flight. You see two Wi-Fi networks — “Airport_Free_WiFi” and “Airport_WiFi_Free.” Which one would you choose? The second one might look more appealing, but it could be a rogue access point set up by hackers to steal your data.

What Are Rogue Access Points?

Rogue Access Points are sneaky devices set up by cybercriminals to mimic legitimate Wi-Fi networks. When you unknowingly connect to them, they can spy on your online activities, steal your passwords, and even spread malware to your device.

Let’s understand it with an example,

Think of a rogue access point as a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. It pretends to be a friendly Wi-Fi network, but in reality, it’s a cunning trap set by hackers to catch unsuspecting victims.

Rogue Access point illustraiotn

How is it harmful to you?, Let’s understand…

The Danger of “Man-in-the-Middle” Attacks:

Imagine you’re chatting with your friend on a messaging app while connected to a rogue access point. The hacker can intercept your messages, read them, and even alter the content before sending them to your friend. This way, they can cause confusion and potentially gain access to sensitive information.

When you connect to a rogue access point, cybercriminals can secretly eavesdrop on your online conversations, just like a spy listening to private conversations. This is known as a “Man-in-the-Middle” attack.

Sneaky Data Interception:

Most public Wi-Fi networks are not encrypted, which means your data travels through the air in plain text. Rogue access points can easily intercept this unencrypted data and steal sensitive information like login credentials, credit card details, and personal messages.

Sending your sensitive data over unencrypted public Wi-Fi is like writing your secrets on a postcard and mailing it. Anyone who gets their hands on the postcard can read what’s inside!

Yup they’ll read it, hackers are manner less!

So it means you have to stop using public WI-FI??

Not exactly but..

Protecting Yourself from Rogue Access Points:

Now that you know the risks, here are some simple ways to protect yourself when using public Wi-Fi:

- Avoid connecting to suspicious Wi-Fi networks with generic names or strong signals in unexpected places.

- Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your data and make it unreadable to hackers.

- Enable two-factor authentication on your accounts to add an extra layer of security.

- Disable automatic Wi-Fi connections on your devices to prevent accidental connections to rogue access points.


Connecting to public Wi-Fi might seem harmless, but the threat of rogue access points lurks in the shadows. By staying cautious and following simple security measures, you can protect yourself from falling prey to cybercriminals. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your valuable data and online privacy. So the next time you connect to public Wi-Fi, be vigilant and stay one step ahead of the invisible danger of rogue access points.



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